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Kayla Itsines

Diventata mamma da poco, Kyala Itsines è l'ideatrice di un programma di allenamento rivolto a chi desidera perdere peso e che dura 12 settimane. "BBG" sta per Bikini Body Guide e si rivolge principalmente al mondo femminile ma è disponibile per tutti. Sul suo profilo Instagram seguito da oltre 12 milioni di persone video con esercizi e consigli sull'alimentazione per tornare subito in forma.

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WHY MY WORKOUTS ARE 28 MINUTES⁣ #BBGathome #SWEATathome⁣ ⁣ True story: when I started out working in a gym, you could book time with a personal trainer in blocks of 30, 45, or 60 minutes. There was a bit of a running joke that none of the clients could handle more than 30 minutes of my training style. 😅⁣ ⁣ When women would try to book a long session with me, people at the back of the gym would shout across the floor “don’t do it, not with Kayla - just do 30 minutes!”. I was at the desk just smiling 😬, but if anyone did a 45 or 60 minute session they would usually need to stop after 30 minutes and then the rest of the time was spent stretching. 😂⁣ This time in my career taught me so much because I started to see that for most of my clients, they were extremely time poor and could ONLY fit in a 30 minute session - the women would do training before school pickup, or before or after work.⁣ ⁣ I looked at that situation and thought: “how can I make a safe, awesome workout in that time?”. So I came up with the 4 x 7 minute circuits, which was 28 minutes in total, and it just clicked. ⁣ ⁣ I knew they were effective because they followed basic exercise principles, I started to see INCREDIBLE results for my clients, and it was so amazing to see their success with a training style that actually worked for their lifestyle. The women I was training were so happy to see how much more progress they were making with just 28 minute workouts - and that’s where #BBG really began! ⁣ ⁣ So if you’re spending time at home at the moment and want to train, I’ve got you!!! I’ve changed BBG so that you can do the first 24 weeks with very little space and just a chair, a skipping rope and dumbbells!! You can do it on your phone (iOS or Android), Apple Watch or Apple TV using the @SWEAT app. I’m still getting my @SWEAT on at home because health and fitness is always a priority for me. 💪

Un post condiviso da KAYLA ITSINES (@kayla_itsines) in data: