Le 8 celebrità che hanno guadagnato di più per singolo post su Instagram, secondo HopperHQ

Is Kylie Jenner really a 'self made' billionaire? - usatoday.com
Is Kylie Jenner really a 'self made' billionaire? - usatoday.com

La 'classifica' si riferisce al primo semestre del 2018. In cima all'elenco svetta Kylie Jenner, al terzo posto Cristiano Ronaldo.

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Grandi sorprese nell'elenco dei personaggi famosi che guadagnano di piĂč con le loro foto pubblicate su Instagram. La speciale classifica Ăš stata redatta dalla societĂ  britannica Hopper HQ, la quale si occupa proprio della ricerca e della gestione dei profili Instagram di aziende e privati. I dati dei guadagni si riferiscono al primo semestre dell'anno che sta per concludersi (aggiornati a luglio 2018). Al termine del prossimo semestre (dunque nei primi di gennaio 2019) la classifica verrĂ  nuovamente aggiornata.


Kylie Jenner: 1 milione di dollari

121 milioni di follower, che valgono fino ad un milione di dollari per singolo post.


Selena Gomez - 800 mila dollari

Selena Gomez su Instagram vanta circa 140 milioni di follower, che le garantiscono 800mila dollari per post pubblicato.

Visualizza questo post su Instagram

Alright. Speaking from my heart for over an hour to someone who puts those thoughts into paid words can be hard for me. The older I get the more I want my voice to be mine. This is all apart of my work within an industry that’s been around longer than all of us have been. The purpose of my interview was three fold. My work with A21, my new collection with Coach, and some new music. As I’m aware there will always be interests in one’s personal life because that’s the pace of our ‘social’ generation. I’m grateful for my position and I will always find ways to make my job more about others and giving back— all while having the best time with my music, fashion, film and my love for learning about the world that I’m eager to tap into more and more. Church is a name for something far more personal. There’s always agenda seeking information on such a subject and I understand why. Rarely do I mention church (and I didn’t) but I’ll always feel comfortable talking about my values and beliefs. I respect that from everyone and anyone. I understand that reporters are working to grab the attention of a reader, however I will always work to ensure that what is public represents my truth. I’m a bit bummed but rarely surprised. Y’all know me and my heart. I can’t help it. So I’ll post some of MY photos from the collection and work with A21. My heart. And maybe edit my actual lyrics as you will all hear it soon 😊 I love you guys to the moon and back. For more information on the work I do with A21 please, please visit link in my bio. So much more on that soon!

Un post condiviso da Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) in data:


Cristiano Ronaldo - 750 mila dollari

Il calciatore della Juventus nella top 3: circa 750 mila dollari per singolo post, che conferma l'affare di marketing fatto dai bianconeri.

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Un post condiviso da Cristiano Ronaldo (@cristiano) in data:

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